2020 Your BEST Dance Year EVER [How to CONQUER Excuses]




Do you get busier and busier yet your results are WORSE or stagnate?
So you NEVER have enough money for dancing and it's bugging you as you'd love to dance more?

What about practice? Feel like you never get enough TIME to practice and do the work [with or without a partner]?

Do you need to rapidly improve your skills like technique, posture, mechanics, timing, and everything related to Ballroom and Latin dancing?
What about CONFIDENCE? Do you want unbreakable confidence? EMAIL ME to learn more about how to conquer all of the above.

Let me share with you exactly why people fail at achieving their goals even with the best intentions. It's why resolutions SUCK and why you may not go for a goal that is right or one that brings out your very best self!


Vaughan and Alison are  4 time World Professional 10 dance representatives for Australia, owners of The International Dance Studio, accredited coaches, and founders of OneStepDanceShop.com; DSI-London.TV & Ballroom Mastery. They have a passion for dance and want to help you become the best dancer you can be and have an amazing time doing it. 



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Dance At Home

The NEW way to Master Your Ballroom and Latin Dancing is HERE!

Get 7 new dance lessons each week to inspire, educate, exercise, and master real dance technique. There is nothing like this in the world and is perfect for solo dancers or couples from the brand newbie to the expert level.