[LIST] 5 Secrets to Overcoming The Perfectionist LIE & Get More Achieved




Are you a proud, self-proclaimed PERFECTIONIST? Yeh, well it's fun...ruining your life and worse, it's actually preventing the world from seeing the beauty within being expressed without through your dancing, your art, your work, or any other expression of life.

The Japanese Art of Wabi Sabi means the art of perfection is in YOUR imperfection. I go to town on perfectionism and NEGATIVE consequences of being a perfectionist [there is a positive side too].


1. Re-Invent Yourself [Death to Old Identity]
You were not born a perfectionist; you created it. True it may be linked to personality traits and perfectionism is directly tied to procrastination but these are within your power of choice.

2. Release Control
You don't control anything save your attitude and perceptions [to a degree]. You see with your brain, not your eyes so it's time to REFRAME how you see control and why that is stopping you from doing the work!

3. Release Your Work
NOTHING can be perfected until you release it to the world then you can iterate and make it better. Until then perfectionism DOESN'T exists because you have not demonstrated your dancing or work.

4. Compare Fairly
You are not the same person you were 1 year ago and you won't be the same person in 1 year from now. The ONLY competition is YOU and the former you - yesterday. The guy or gal on the dance floor is not your competition.

5. Create DON'T Compete
No one can touch you if all you do is create. If you try to compete you've lost because you're trying to out a dance or outwit that person next to you whereas true champions and true winners constantly strive to create and RELEASE the creation into the world...dealing with criticism is another story but it shouldn't stop you and it's time you STOPPED THE PERFECTIONIST LIE TO YOURSELF.


Vaughan and Alison are  4 time World Professional 10 dance representatives for Australia, owners of The International Dance Studio, accredited coaches, and founders of OneStepDanceShop.com; DSI-London.TV & Ballroom Mastery. They have a passion for dance and want to help you become the best dancer you can be and have an amazing time doing it. 



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